Wednesday 26 April 2017

Love/Hate Relationship

Oh my gosh, after quite a few months as a member of the Get Messy community, I'm finally starting to create pages based on prompts!! (yay me!) This week's GM prompt by Julia to create a page about contrasting personality traits, really resonated with me.

While I love the way I feel after working out (not to mention the health benefits I get), I really do not enjoy working out. I don't like to sweat. My husband on the other hand is a natural athlete and runs marathons. I know there are definitely some days when working out feels like a grind for him, but overall, he's never had a problem working out, probably because he's always been fit. I, on the other hand, struggled with exercise induced asthma as a child and was never good at sports (especially anything that required continuous running like soccer). As soon as gym became an elective in school, I dropped it like a hot potato, and so relieved that at last, I wouldn't have to be the last person picked on a team, or feel the embarrassment of failing miserably at any gymnastic or track & field event in front of my peers.

After marrying and starting a family I became more active. The truth is, the older we get, the more important it is to keep moving, and now I view working out as a necessary evil. I've made my peace with it and some days, being all sweaty doesn't bother me as much. Working out is now a regular and consistent part of my lifestyle and there is no doubt about it, I feel so much better for it!

1 comment:

  1. Your and Dad's commitment to exercise and health is one of the things I admire most about you. <3
